bush kinder

What is Bush Kinder? 
Bush Kinder is an educational program that is play based and encourages children to connect with nature, use their imagination and utilise natural materials to learn, discover and play. It’s an outdoor classroom!
The Benefits of Bush Kinder
Spending more time in nature can make a big difference to children’s development. It helps with:
1. Wellbeing and physical development as children develop strength, co-ordination, balance, eyesight, the ability to take/assess risks, self esteem and endurance.
2. Deepening their understanding of science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) concepts in a hands on way. Connecting these concepts to the wider world and embedding sustainability practices.
3. Learning to make independent choices and explore new things while staying safe.
4. Feeling closer to nature and caring about the environment whilst having fun.
Where is Bush Kinder?
We are very fortunate that our Kinder is encompassed by the beautiful bush land of the Paratea Reserve. We utilise this space to run our Bush Kinder program and enjoy exploring other locations throughout the year.
When is Bush Kinder?
Our Bush Kinder program runs from April to November for all 3 groups, children attend once a week during this period. 

If you would like more information on our program please feel free to contact our staff on (03) 9787 3842 or via email: Paratea.kin@kindergarten.vic.gov.au